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Add:No.1 Nanwan Road Jiqiao Industry Zone Huaian District Huaian City Jiangsu Pro. China

Thanks letter form customer: 80,000 towel 25 day delivery high quality and quantity on tome!

Return list source:MOFISI view:- date:2017-01-05 15:01:00【Large Middle Small

Dear Mofisi,

I'm glad you invited me to express my feelings to you, I have been in China for its sixth year, China's market is huge and many manufacturers, textile manufacturers are more so I can't choose, but my request was simple: on time, yield, good quality and low price, in line with my work.


Three years ago in fair found you, I feel very lucky, at I has a is urgent of orders, 80,000 article towel, 25 days, performance of yours let I very moved, daily overtime are not rest, boss himself personally in workshop do Commander, at I really of worried of is very, last main bless, let I on time shipping, then I know, what I selected is no wrong, you in do large orders , the performance of super capacity let I think miracle is used to created of, we future will has more big of orders cooperation, Believe me!

Best regards


    【Keywords in the article】:hotel towel wholesale hotel bathrobe customization golf towel OEM sport towel wholesale
    【editor】:MOFISICopyright:http://www.mofisitowel.comReproduced please indicate the source